Learn more about the bioelectronic technologies we offer

AURACLOUD 3D & Electrophotonic Imaging
This modality is offered in-person. Kirlian photography (electrophotonic imaging) is a real life picture of your aura, your electrical coronal discharge. A sheet of photographic film rests on top of a metal discharge plate. The original technique involves putting the person’s body part like a hand on top of the film. High voltage currents are sent to the hand. The coronal discharge between the plate & object is reflected in the film. Colors change based on the intensity of the discharge. Different colors & intensity reflect vitality of the organism. Digital imaging technology captures photons emitted during the ionization of a fluid surrounding the conductor. Auracloud takes this technology to the next level, digitizing your energetic information. You will place your hand on a large pad connected to the computer software for reading. Then, you will get a print-out detailing your energetic frequencies for various organs, and a photo of yourself and your aura, which we will review.

Pain-Free Acupuncture
& Auriculotherapy
This one of a kind modality is offered in-person. This technology allows us to accurately find your meridians (energy pathways) and stimulate them for pain relief. It is also helpful for a wide array of ailments. We particularly love auriculotherapy (reflexology of the ear), which is even more accurate. Our method is done without puncturing the skin. We use tiny amounts of electricity on the ear which is a somatotopic map (point-for-point correspondence) of the whole body. Changes in our electrodermal skin conductance reflect changes in our physiology and can signify organ complications. One of the most incredible cranial nerves in our body, the vagus nerve, runs through a certain part of the ear which we can painlessly stimulate for unbelievable anti-inflammatory and neurological health benefits. This nerve is the basis of the parasympathetic nervous system (all relaxation responses). Click below to see all the conditions that can be improved with vagus nerve stimulation.

SCIO Biofeedback
This modality is offered both in-person and via telehealth. Ask us how! The Scientific Conscious Interface Operation system works non-locally to read our electromagnetic field to detect imbalances in a wide number of areas, such as neurological, lymphatic, cardiovascular, immune systems and more. It performs a myriad of tests based on the laws of electricity. It detects our natural physiological responses to different stimuli and also gently exposes the cells to the correct electrical patterns. Once our cells are exposed long enough to a certain frequency, it imitates the frequency and begins to behave more cohesively. This is designed for stress management and does not diagnose disease. The SCIO measures reactivity patterns and is only pre-diagnostic. Physician follow-up is necessary for diagnostic confirmation.