Lack of sleep and poor quality sleep can bring anyone to breaking point. Here, I will condense an entire seminar's worth of information into one page so you don't have to search the globe for answers! I guarantee you will come across something you never heard of.
(All recommendations are educational and require personalized consults)
Information in this section is credited to
the brilliant sleep doctor, Dr. Stasha Gominak
(What To Do If You Have Tried Everything & Nothing Has Worked)
Vitamin D2 (D) is the key for good sleep, headaches, chronic disease and reproduction. For healthy people, between 40-50, but never lower than 40. Levels must be between 60-80 for those who need healing. Supplement course of 3 mo. minimum.
Vit D causes so many diseases, even possibly autism. They need more sleep. It's a sleep disorder. Everyone presents with different diseases from D deficiency because it will always target whatever your genetic weakness is. ADD: Get body to make more B5 (by sleeping), which makes acetylcholine for focus.
Note that too much D2 blocks the effects of D3. You can wake up with headaches. Some doctors prescribe a super high dose of 50,000 IU (usually for those with osteoporosis/osteopenia). This will make you sleep well for 1 week and not the rest of the month. Your brain needs vitamin D every day. It's not bad, but if you're trying to fix broken sleep, you have a different goal to accomplish. This applies to your bone health as well.
We also need B vitamins (B) for gut flora. B grows in the presence of D. Vitamin B comes not only from food, but from gut. Without proper microbiome, we get sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (which can cause and is caused by IBS).
It's not about adding bacteria to the stomach but about creating a good environment w/ D and B. Only take Bs for 3 mo.s to avoid double dosing- your supplementation + what has naturally grown back.
Many studies show that probiotics don't help. Bacteria are self-sustaining. If we needed probiotics, we would buy them for a month and be done with them. The environment (bioterrain) needs to be healthy. B5 is only made by a few bacterium in the intestines. Lactobacillus competes w/ us for the use of B5, so if you take a lot of lactobacillus, you will decrease your B5.
Probiotics and fecal transplants are not the idea.
All Bs come in an "8-pack" because they are all necessary cofactors of each other. If you take one, it helps the second grow. Take only the third kind, and you deplete the first and second because they will be used to make the third. Use all 8 Bs together regardless of which B you're deficient in. They are never used individually in the cells.
Question: Why does bodily repair only happen in sleep?
Answer: We are using our bodies during the day and breaking down body tissues (catabolism). At night, our bodies work hard to repair (anabolism). At night, our bodies allow the DNA in every cell to replicate, IN PART, just that cell. To further this process, we need sunlight. Problem: we no longer spend all our time in the sun.
Sun exposure levels aren't accurate. Those in cloudy Scotland, for example, evolved to have less melanin- red hair, pale skin to help intake more sun. Plus, all people create less D as we age. Supplementation levels need to be adjusted over time, seasons, and in regard to our biology.
Sunblock is protective and helps in REDUCING sun exposure, which at age 75 is helpful for preventing squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer). BUT kids can use both methods (sunlight and supplementation) for INCREASING D levels.
Question: Will I get cancer from a full day of sun exposure?
Answer: Vitamin D is made on skin, which has enzymes that make the active form of D. This D goes into skin cells that have been bombarded w/ radiation-damaged DNA and fixes it. D converts cancer into normal cells, so our skin protects us from cancer. We are bald animals, which is why we come in different colors. There are many mechanisms in our bodies that don't allow overexposure from the sun, thus it isn't our only source of vitamin D. Cancer risk doesn't reduce to zero. Scotts who move to Texas might eventually get cancer in their 70s because of mismatched exposure to skin type. Africans are more likely to get skin cancer in their 90s.
Question: Sun: When and How Much?
Answer: Skin should acclimate to the sun and not receive large doses right away. If we're inside all winter and then go out in the summer w/ a bikini for several hours, we are at high risk. The correct way to protect ourselves is to build up a tan/ sun exposure slowly in the months before summer. A note on sunscreen, it blocks out UV rays and vitamin D entirely, lowering our immunity. [I, Basha, personally recommend sunscreen for the face and neck- during the brightest parts of the day for anti-aging and cancer prevention benefits. And get light sun everywhere else as tolerated].
The idea that D came from food came from a study done on rats. Unlike us, they are nocturnal, so they eat foods high in vitamin D2. Other mammals use D3 in the day from sun, and not usually from food. Supplementation is best in D3 form.
Kids should not have leg cramps, back aches, anxiety, autoimmune, or mood disorders. Kids won't say that they didn't sleep well. Their sleep quality is indicated by if you have to wake them up 3x or if they're groggy. They should be ready to go at sunrise.
Adults indicate their sleep quality and depth by how the whole body is doing overall. Do you feel awful emotionally or physically? In polysomnographs, sleep apnea is just a small picture of sleep quality.
Get your vitamin D and B checked at different times of the year
to indicate how much is needed!
There are 2 ways to test yourself.
1) Finger stick (blood on paper)
2) Order the test online. It is quite affordable. Go to the lab. Results in 3 days.
If you have sleep apnea that prevents deep sleep, vitamin's won't fix it. All sleep devices can be used, but a C-PAP machine is a bandaid. Moving the palate with a palate expander in childhood is pivotal.
[I, Basha, have learned that one cause of
obstructive, flabby tissue in the back of
the throat is insulin resistance, for which I
recommend the keto diet. This protects
nerves that impact muscle and tissue
tightness. See my Keto blog].
Vitamins are used in 50 cell types to make neurotransmitters (NT- brain hormones) for sleep. These NTs include cannabinoids to allow melatonin to excrete. Sleep pills help and mimic NTs. PROBLEM: We don't know which NT is imbalanced in each individual.
Pills are helpful for a fixed period of time. When drugs don't help anymore, you don't need them anymore. If you take sleeping pills, they won't necessarily prevent you from going into deep sleep. Take them until you reach your maximum sleep potential, then fix the true deficiency. If you're on an antidepressant (which can make you sleepy), serotonin and norepinephrine stay high, even at night (like with Flexor). The medicine didn't cause your bad sleep to begin with, but now, your chemical imbalance is that drug! Don't cut out your meds or C-PAP right away and replace them with B vitamins. B's can only work while you sleep deeply.
[It is my belief that sleeping pills don't drastically
alter our sleep architecture, and any sleep we can get is
helpful as long as we don't enter sleep TOO quickly. I am
not opposed to sleep medicines if needed. I've discovered
that in some instances, sleep issues may not be due to
habits, nutrition, hormones, or our environment- not that
these are easy to solve! Some people have what is called
DYSAUTONOMIA (an umbrella term for nervous system
dysregulation), which can create chronic, lasting sleep
issues that are extremely difficult to fix. However you can
sleep, sleep! It is more important to avoid stimulants that
keep us awake and make our brains sleep and delta
brainwave while we're awake. In a severe, multifaceted
case like my own, I am personally pursuing a VNS (vagus
nerve stimulator) implant. It is an incredible piece of
technology to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous
system for all functions relating to relaxation. It is not for
everyone, but if I were to be frank, it could certainly help
SO many people. Transcutaneous (on the skin) VNS
devices are also available on the market. I am currently
enjoying the Xen device from Nevada. I am also offering
vagus nerve stimulation via acupressure in-office-coming
The risks of sleep pills is apnea, for which a C-PAP machine and the Right pill can help. If sitting upright helps, you can do that.
Some people have trouble absorbing vitamin D. They might have the VDR (vitamin D receptor) gene mutation. No matter how much sun you get, your skin won't fully convert that into active hormonal vitamin D. Supplementation is usually necessary. Some can also have very negative reactions to D and B. It might take 6 months to get up to 10,000 IU. Sleep might still be at wrong times, but at lease one will wake up feeling great.
Question: What if 10,000 IU of D never makes my serum levels change?
Answer: It's not that you're not absorbing, it's that there must be 'achille's heels" all over your body that is using up the D. If you have a serious sleep or bone density issue, your vitamins will go towards that. Vitamin D can either rebuild or destroy your microbiome if you don't see it getting better. You might improveme in 1 week or take as long as 5 years. You might begin to notice a change starting after 2-6 months. Most people notice they fee better starting after 3 months. After 1 to 1.5 years, add back for just a few building blocks. Test D levels if you're not sleeping right. After this amount of time passes, a mildly affected person should be completely healed w/o the need for vitamins.
Nobody knows where D is stored. We can't test multiple body parts because we don't know what the individual optimal levels are. The idea that it's stored in the fat is way too simplistic. It is in multiple forms in the body.
Dosage depends on A) What one's body is like generally, B) How one's body responds.
Other factors for low D: One might have neurological diseases like MS or epilepsy, or have obesity from poor sleep. These people need more D. In obesity, the microbiome is ruined, and the body says, "we need to keep putting on fat." Vitamin D is very helpful here.
MTHFR Gene Mutation with B Deficiencies:
Question: Which (B) supplements to take for this methylation issue?
They can also have low D levels, and thus have open stomach sphincters, causing low stomach acid.
Answer: More expensive B supplements = more money wasted. Pay closer attention to dosage. Healthy bacteria are the source of methylated Bs.
Why are these mutations so common? They may have had a survival advantage in the past. They passed it down to their kids because they did better with it.
Monitor B5 levels carefully.
Everyone has a narrow band where our brain is happy in the dosing of B5.
You won't know it until you do it.
Question: Why do I need all the Bs?
Answer: Vitamin B is a unique vitamin with special absorptive mechanisms. If you're low in B12, such as those with MTHFR, you'll need to supplement daily. NOT THE SHOTS once a week or month. You would need a pill every day to replenish. The shots were covered by medicare for 1x monthly treatments, which made them popular. It makes no biological sense.
If someone supplements and tests high for B12, there's no need to worry. You will urinate out the excess. Nobody gets worse from excess B12. This isn't true for the other Bs. Eventually, your body will make all the repairs needed, and the multivitamin will give you problems. Meds are the TOOLS for the body to fix itself.
Information in this section is credited to
holistic sleep coach, Christine Hansen
(HowTo Use Sleep To Up Your Game At Work
& Keep From Getting Fired)
If you're having trouble sleeping, take a break mid-day. Lay down and kick your feet up. Rest for 10 minutes. Let your mind wander and get it all out then so you can be calm and centered at night.
You can replace meditation w/ a 20 minute walk. Studies show that walking meetings are more productive.
Pre-adjust your sleep to prevent jet-lag. You can use the app 'Time Shifter.'
Many sleep patients have thyroid issues. Test that, as well as both sex hormones, cortisol levels and pattern, free cortisol, and metabolized cortisol.
[I (Basha) highly recommend the DUTCH Complete hormone panel.
This at-home test is one of the best I have ever encountered.
They are different because instead of going to the lab
and testing your cortisol, for example, 1x in that very moment
while you're there, you might not get an accurate picture
of your levels throughout the day. You're also not collecting
it in a jar- which only gives you a massive overall average,
the DUTCH Test tests you throughout the day at certain points
and utilizes the average of what has collected in your bladder
for the last couple hours only. There are much more frequent
and separate numbers that give you a completed graph of your
cortisol levels, and compares it to an optimal line graph. It also
tests for cortisol AND cortisone metabolites, so not only what
cortisol was left. It tells you precisely how much total your body
has made that day. It also tests neurotransmitters!
We can help you order it.]
Maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Spikes can cause spikes in cortisol- the stress and alert hormone.
Pay attention to food sensitivities you might have, even if you eat healthy.
Remember that only 5% of people need less than 5 hours of sleep, and that's due to a genetic mutation. Get your sleep!
Information in this section is credited to
Dr. Aimie Apigian
(The Difference Between Stress & Trauma On Sleep)
Trauma is physically stored in the body. This can make us restless. What do adopted kids with trauma need? (It is possible for any baby to accumulate trauma in vivo when the mother is under stress). They have a huge disruption in their attachment- bonding moment from being taken away from the warm environment that they have known.
Question: What is trauma?
Answer: Anything that overwhelmed the nervous system or body. There is a whole part of the nervous system that is just for trauma. Freeze response is a trauma response.
Question: What is stress?
Answer: Stress is Overwhelm. When it gets stored in the body, it turns to trauma. Fight or flight response is a stress response.
The difference depends on high or low energy.
High energy- Stress. You get energy to meet the demand of the stress.
Low energy- Trauma. You have enough energy just to get by. You might not even wan.
How to rewire your child: Love IS NOT enough. Love is what scared them because love is what hurt them; vulnerability. Our nervous system is what we have to share with our kids. Refer to the 'Strange Situation Study.' They found that attachment styles always transfer to our kids. Work on yourself, not what you do with your kids. Read your own nervous system and when you start entering stress, and how to pull yourself back to "Everything will be okay."
When you believe something but cant live your life like this, this is trauma in the BODY. The body wants to believe it, to be a felt experience. This can be from feeling alone or not secure. However, if you try to fix this, it would be counterproductive. Safety and survival overrides simply wanting to feel safe, thus it might not happen. You need to truly feel and believe you are safe. If you don't feel safe and at peace in your home, it doesn't matter how much you want to feel safe, if your body tells you you're not safe, your attempts will be futile. You would be forcing yourself to feel safe, and you would remember the trauma as a means of protecting yourself. The trick is to rewire the nervous system. Trauma therapies might be enough, but changes in our biology keep us stuck and don't let us rewire enough. Try somatic-based work. Work with the body and mind. Use the body to go into the mind to induce feelings of safety.
[At Basha Holistics, we offer Havening, a somatic-based
practice to retrain the body to relax and circumnavigate the
stressful messages of the mind].
Nobody can jump from trauma to no-trauma if they have sleep problems. Your nervous system would be stuck on survival mode. Something made Overwhelm turn to Trauma. If the body doesn't go back and heal, that's the biological component. You must change slowly or it will go back into Overwhelm.
Somatic experiencing work is a modality of trauma therapy. It involves movements to engage the felt experience of our body. (Trauma can be felt as heaviness in the heart, twitches, goosebumps)...
Children resolve their trauma best with their parents rather than their therapists. Ask your kid questions like, "How does this experience make your stomach feel? What if I put my hand or a pillow right here?" If someone doesn't know how they feel, this is trauma. The message is, 'Feeling isn't a safe thing to do.'
Information in this section is credited to Dr. Patrick Porter
(Train Your Brain To Sleep On Demand)
Some things to know:
Brainwaves and Correlated Brain States For Adults
(from least to most relaxed)
Beta---------Alert, conscious, stress
Alpha-------Calm, subconscious,
Theta-------Calmer, more subconscious, imaginative, creative
Delta--------Sleep, subconscious
You likely can't sleep because you are in Beta brain wave. This is the alert fight-or-flight mode.people aren't creative here. Habits and patterns reside here. We become slaves to our own minds. Some curious things to know...
Autism- Missing the relaxing Alpha brainwaves. We are usually in alpha when we are
verbal, doing hobbies, or are in love.
Most people- Missing the other relaxing brainwave Theta. This helps us get into deep sleep.
Each wave matches a different neurotransmitter, and they are all important. Sleep must be a slow unwinding process. The only way our brain detoxes via deep sleep. We open up the lymphatic system of the brain only in deep sleep.
Alpha-------Acetylcholine (feel good, love drug)
Theta-------GABAnoids (dreams)
Most people have some delta while awake. Their brain wants to go back to sleep because they use synthetic means to stay awake. As far as synthetic serotonin, if these wen on the market today, they wouldn't pass the placebo test. The brain also becomes dependent on them, which wouldn't be helping you.
People's neurotransmitters naturally fluctuate constantly. With SSRIs, people are trying to keep yesterday's neurochemicals in their brains. We can't hold on to today's serotonin at night. The brain needs to eliminate/ decrease them, not have them stay constantly high. That's unnatural. A way to maintain natural fluctuations is to eat and sleep well.
Everyone has cycles. If you're not sleeping by 10 or 11 PM, you're not making melatonin 7 not cleaning your brain.
The brain always likes taking shortcuts. If we are stressed, it says, 'let's just stay stressed. It's easier than going through these emotional ups and downs'. So we habituate to a negative pattern. We either have a healing brain, or a survival brain. The brain will take shortcuts to whatever state works for you (not what's best for you)- but what you think is best for you.
By the way, pain happens (in part) from those tissues lacking oxygen, which it needs to heal.
[In my experience learning from oriental medicine doctors,
this is true. Avoid painsomnia and menstrual cramps by
oxygenating your body with iron supplementation in a very
low, safe dose every day- especially if you have dark
undereyes. That is a sign of low iron. Iron helps form
hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to
body tissues.]
[Another thing I will add, we don't need to be alkaline to
sleep. pH doesn't really change. The blood is always
slightly alkaline, which it maintains unaided. If it changes
too much, one could end up in a coma...or dead, worst case
scenario. Why would anyone want to eat alkaline then? To
reduce the STRESS put on the body to maintain its
alkalinity. The body uses minerals like magnesium to
maintain alkalinity. If we don't have enough magnesium
from our nutrition, it will pull it out of the bones and create
osteoporosis. Osteoporosis isn't entirely a calcium
deficiency. It is a magnesium deficiency!]
You can use heart rate variability (HRV) to see where your brain is at. HRV: People with the most flexibility will have problems. They need an outlet. People who can get upset/ euphoric and then go back to normal have a trained brain. (Excluding those with too many swings- lack of regulation).
Neurofeedback is good for measuring brain training and is a good solution. It doesn't stop working when you stop doing it.
Braintap is neurohackng with light, making it believe the brain is doing something. 30% of the brain shuts off during meditation, and innate intelligence to hear turns on. Lights and vibration signal safety to heal.
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) studies how that what we think about our illness is just as important as the medical treatment. When an animal gets cancer, it doesn't know it. It goes on. When we get it, we go to meetings etc. and many people don't survive. It becomes our identity.
To de-stress while awake, breathe. Depression is shallow breathing. Not breathing triggers the fight/flight reaction. Longer exhalation triggers the parasympathetic nervous system for relaxation, sleep, and metabolizing nutrients.
When we slow down the brain, our neuropharmacy kicks in. Why take sleeping pills? Studies show it only adds 4 minutes of sleep, but because of the placebo effect, you think you're sleeping when laying down.
The army says we only need 4 hours of sleep nightly. Really, the brain learns to run through the sleep phases faster. The most important thing is how long it takes to unwind.
Tips for falling asleep:
Play classical music on your phone from across the room. Via the Mozart effect, the brain will match the beats (10 HZ frequency), and find synchrony.
Don't lay in bed awake.
Be outside between 3-4 pm. The infrared light at this time prevents burning, helps microbiome, resets circadian. The brain is naturally more alert at 3-4 pm.
Don't lay in bed awake in the morning. You will habituate your brain to stay in the sleepy delta brainwave for the rest of the day.
Go to sleep consciously. Meditate. Be aware of what your body is feeling. Teach your body to ground/ discharge, or you will discharge onto others. Or lead to addictions.
Drink plenty of water.
Sleep RX Program.
It takes 4 hours to get benefits out of a nap. Instead, do 10-20 minutes with the Braintap device. Try the Sleep RX program and drink plenty of water.
The more alpha and theta you have, the more lucid dreams you'll have. You will be consciously aware of dreams.
Information in this section is credited to Dr. Shawn Talbott
(Sleep Architecture)
Trouble falling asleep: Cortisol problem
Trouble staying asleep: GABA insufficiency
(Change microbiome to increase GABA naturally)
Sleeping without restoration: Melatonin issue
Supplementing with GABA makes your brain produce less. It's better used for jet lag/ shift work (short term use of GABA or melatonin so it doesn't form a physical dependency).
Ambien doesn't help your sleep architecture (natural stages of sleep). One can wake up unrefreshed. Work with your physician to get off of it. Weaning off Ambien dependency: Swap it for cordgrass SLOWLY. Stay on the same level of Ambien for a week while adding cordgrass About 250-500 mg won't make you drowsy. This will help you reach REM for deep sleeping.
Question: What causes brain fog (*BF) & memory loss?
Answer: They can be stages of the same process or completely different. There are 2 options.
Biochemical: BF is measured in a metric called 'confusion.' It can be related to stress and cortisol blocking your sleep neurotransmitters (nt's). It can also be the body not producing enough nt's. The gut-brain axis creates norepinephrine for focus. To help this, change gut bacteria. It can also just be the brain misfiring. To help this, use spices like saffron, holy basil, pomegranate extract, l-theanine from green tea extract, New Zealand pine bark extract. Everyone's microbiome is like a fingerprint, but there are general patterns everyone wants to follow.
Structural: Brain damage like Alzheimer's can be more related to inflammation. the brain's ability to cleanse is hindered. No sleep = no cleansing of the brain. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's can start in the stomach 10 years before noticeable onset in the brain. Eat fiber, fermented food, probiotics.
Question: Is Alzheimer's/ Parkinson's reversible?
Answer: Once you see those symptoms, the neurological damage has been done. Neurons grow very slowly and not completely, but we can improve the functionality in that person! With specialized activities, memory might improve a bit. Some cases will be related to blood flow to brain, nt imbalance, gut microbiome.
Zonulin. Test this for leaky gut. There can still be intestinal problems.
Look at:
Gut integrity (not leaky)
not enough mucosal lining
Dysbiosis- microbiome (the actual bacteria)
Bacterial diversity
whole system inflammation
nervous system
immune system
Information in this section is credited to Dr. Tom O'Bryan
(Investigating Sleep)
Here are 4 categories to investigate sleep.
Structure: To help, chiropractics, massage, and osteopathy (for neck problems etc.), orthotics (for flat feet). You might need a neck x-ray if you've had neck pain or headaches for a long time.
Biochemistry: good nutrition, water, air. Use glass Tupperware, no nail polish (or only outdoors), no formaldehyde inhalants.
Emotional/ Spiritual: stress hormones, the life we've lived so far, what we've been exposed to.
Electromagnetic: WIFI, radiation from the numbers that glow on an old alarm clock, etc.
Information in this section is credited to Dr. Michael Grandner
(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: CBT-I)
Insomnia can be from poor stimulus control. You might stay awake in bed ding other things besides sleep. The environment (your bed and room) are no longer triggers for sleep. Go elsewhere for rumination, which you will learn to do only in those spots.
Question: Why can I only fall asleep on the couch?
Answer: If you lay there awake for a long time, your brain gets trained into thinking that your bed isn't for sleep. If you switch to your couch, your brain can relax and fall asleep.
If in bed your brain says that 'sleep isn't happening!,' that's when you need to get out of bed.
Do anything, just be in dim light
Don't be too mentally stimulated
Avoid activities where lots of time passes without you noticing (video games, Netflix)
Don't do anything too enjoyable- reward centers in your brain will light up and you'll train your brain to be awake at midnight to get a reward. Let time pass slowly. Try reading or light chores.
CBT-I vs Sleep meds analysis: CBT-I showed to not differ greatly except that it made people fall asleep slightly faster. To get off meds, there can be a 2-week rebound (which it's not the original sleep problem coming back for which the medicine helped, it's the pain of ripping off the medicine 'bandaid.' This is not the wound). Swap meds for a new sleep routine for 2 weeks.
Question: Who isn't a candidate for CBT-I?
Whoever gets SO little sleep (3-5 hrs). We can't rip them out of bed.
Someone who is in a crisis and needs to sleep NOW.
If their insomnia was caused by a brain injury.
Severe mental illness ie: bipolar, schizophrenia
Shift workers, who are hard to do schedule-control with
Those who can't stand to keep a sleep diary, it causes stress
Information in this section is credited to Homeopath Robert Scott Bell
(Homeopathy For Sleep)
Why take it? Let's first clear the physical problem and se if there's any lingering emotional problem left over. Homeopathy affects liver and pancreatic function. These influence maintenance insomnia.
Question: Why would a homeopathic (medicine) not work?
Answer: You must address the whole; our multiple systems. Our liver needs selenium to produce glutathione peroxidase to cleanse the body. You also need chromium for reducing insulin resistance and diabetes- but not chromium picolinate, which is a cellular waste product. Get chromium from 100% whole food or grown in a yeast broth.
Information in this section is credited to Andy Mant
(The Profound Affect of Light On Your Sleep & How To Fix It)
Instead of fluorescent lightbulbs, get incandescent, halogen, and chromalox lightbulbs. They have very high wattage. Use during the day (100-150 watts).
Go wired, not wireless.
Grounding pads and EMF shields (hit or miss technology) can help ground you ('earthing'). Grounding pads might put too much electricity in someone for nighttime. Turn off braker at night.
Best: natural, barefoot earthing on the ground (stepping or walking outside on the earth).
Blue light is good for seasonal affective disorder. Red light and infrared light are different. They are valid therapies too. In general, use blue in day (mimicking the sun), red at night (mimicking a campfire).
For more PEMF info, Dr. William Pawulk's work is great.
Information in this section is credited to Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby
(Creating a Pro-Sleep Bedtime Routine)
Poor sleep leads to inflammation! [This can be a huge factor in pain].
Go to bed at 10 pm. 10-12 are the most restorative hours for recovery. Do it every single day until it works.
Don't work your mind until you sleep. No phone 2 hours before bed, and especially avoid watching dramas.
Breathe deeply to activate the PNS.
Play the right kind of music. Rock and heavy metal kills plants.
We have photonics receptors in our eyes AND skin, and we can tell color even by touch. Be in a dark, conducive environment.
Magnesium! It is nature's tranquilizer. 400-500 mg.
Biphasic melatonin is the best kind if needed.
Inositol is a safer form of GABA. Too much GABA is an excitotoxin. Inositol is also good for panic attacks. At least 1,000 mg.
Try body sweeping with a close, trusted person.
Try hypnotism and/or psychological work.
There is a positive correlation between inflammation and depression. Try using omega 3. Also look into molecular hydrogen as a tablet that fizzes and dissolves in a glass of water. It can increase antioxidants, decrease inflammation. To see if it worked, place any enzyme at the back of the throat and see if it hurts after 1 minute. Then it worked!
Autoimmune issues can partly be attributed to sleep deprivation and inflammation. Check for allergies! It can be anything. Even epilepsy can be caused from inflammation. You can try the elimination diet (Dietwisebook .com), especially if you get headaches.
Inflammation, insomnia, and weight gain all feed into each other. It can also lead to decreased inhibition. Sugar is the #1 sleep disruptor and brain excitant.
Information in this section is credited to Dr. Eve Rosno
(Enhance Your Energy & Deepen Your Sleep with Essential Oils)
To determine a safe oil brand, see if the company shares their testing results (GCMS). Doterra is a safe brand.
We can condition ourselves to a scent. This is classical conditioning.
Pair a scent with winding down time. (The brain can skip some steps).
You can use: lavender, which slows the heart rate, blood vessels, and lowers body temperature. You can also use roman chamomile, vetiver, cedar wood. You might need a combination of oils for sleep, stress, pain, anxiety, airway, etc.
Give 1 oil 1 week to work. It can work in as little as 1 day though.