natural healthcare
We offer personalized health programs, biofeedback, and dietary guidance to heal at the root cause. Get compassionate care through holistic modalities.

About Us
Our goal is to be a trailblazer in the field of holistic health by educating clients on the true value of quantum (whole-being) health and biopsychosocial harmony, while also guiding them to develop an honest and accurate picture of their current health in order to provide all possibilities for healing.
We do not evaluate, diagnose, or prescribe to patients. We assess, identify, and suggest to our clients based on their needs. The power to heal is in one's own hands. We view the client as equally important as the practitioner, and not as a patient. We are health-centered, and not disease-centered. We can also work with your primary doctor or specialists for the most comprehensive care.
We provide the highest level of holistic healthcare by first defining a clear path to wellness. As comprehensive generalists, we connect the dots by considering all factors and seeing each dot as a key component to the achievement and maintenance of health. We do this by using the most modern, progressive healthcare model that goes beyond just the physical body. We provide an in-depth three-part personal health program, specialized improvement plans, various healing modalities such as herbal medicine, medical education, bioelectric screening, dry blood analysis, follow-ups, and the easiest of all to provide; compassion.
Complete the form at the bottom of the page for an optional free 10 minute phone consult to see if we are a right fit for you. From there, you can click the 'Book Now' button at the top of this page to schedule your first 2-hour consult with us and receive advanced screening and healing modalities.


This is the first step in your care plan. Click for details. Let's get to the root cause of your condition. Assessing the mind, body, and energy field is the best way to achieve comprehensive care. We will perform several types of health tests to address hidden factors. We can then determine the best functional approach and therapeutic modalities for you.
One possible modality that we may incorporate into your care plan is the Galvanic Skin Response for relaxation training. As tension increases/decreases, the GSR mouse emits a tone which rises/falls. Learn how to induce calmness- a state where All healing takes place. This is great for those with excessive worry, anger, tension, or stress.
Learn how insulin plays a role in the success of any diet. The beauty of keto is its flexibility for those with various conditions and illnesses. Let's review tricks to make it easy and enjoyable. We can also address physical predispositions and beliefs holding you back from your full potential. let's end yoyo dieting forever.
Experiencing traumatic effects or emotional limitations? Trauma is stored in the body, which is often why talk therapy isn't enough. The repetitive experience of past events is what keeps us from creating a new future. It's time to give somatic (body) work a chance. Retrain your subconscious and body at the same time as we guide you through specific exercises.

This vagus nerve stimulating device is for those whos nervous systems are exhausted, and the ability to relax, sleep, recover, and heal have been compromised. Pulsetto, a device worn around the neck, stimulates the vagus nerve, which sends signals to the brain and help the body heal. This can be a great addition to any in-office regimen.
COMING SOON. Electric acupressure, and especially electric auriculotherapy (on the ear) is the most modern way to do acupuncture. Sending small, painless electrical pulses to the meridians, we can accurately target various meridians and address ailments and chronic pain. Sore muscles may also benefit.
COMING SOON. This comprehensive two-way biofeedback can be used in-person or via Telehealth to help pinpoint many biological weaknesses.
It sends and reads signals of the many different organs and body systems such as the lymphatic or cardiovascular system, and automatically sends the right frequencies needed for healing. It is non-diagnostic but can provide early detections.
COMING SOON. This software digitizes the more archaic Kirlian photography as it interprets your electrophotonic energy. This gives various readouts of your chakra organs and frequencies. Learn if you are deficient or in excess throughout your energetic body and how to regain balance. You get to keep your results sheet and aura photograph! See what color you are currently resonating at and what it means in terms of health.
COMING SOON. This is best for those who are not getting answers through regular blood tests, which only looks at blood-related quantities. Highly specialized dark field microscopy can help us explain mysterious symptoms and show us the quality of the blood cells and the surrounding milieu (blood environment), a rich source of hidden information.
For those who want to relax, achieve goals, sleep better, lose weight, or kick a habit the easy way, hypnosis through the BrainTap device may be best for you. Braintap guides you through what is now known as NeuroLinguistic Programming through auditory and visual cues, and stimulates certain areas of your brain for better, clearer cognition.
Emotional Freedom Technique is a simple, yet effective somatic technique that involves tapping various parts of your upper body that connect to your nervous system. It can help you mid- anxiety attack to overcome fears or emotional setbacks. This also allows you to better receive all other healing modalities for lasting results. This can be done from anywhere.
Take THE First StepS
STEP 1: Contact us to see if we are right for you and create a confidential Hushmail account for all communications
STEP 2: Book your Personal Health Program on the Book Now page below and fill out our intake form we will send you via Hushmail
STEP 3: We will review your health concerns in detail, provide testing and services, and come up with a long-term health plan together